Let's change the conversation about our bodies, ok?


When I read this quote, my body breathes a sigh of relief...and says yesss....

Maybe I just don't have to try so hard...work so hard at everything. Do you know this one?

Especially when it comes to my body, I am such a harsh critic. I always want to feel better, to look better, to lose this here and tone this there. I have an endless list of "conditioned wishes that form a bundle of Never-Quite-Right-Ness".

I am ready for a different conversation with me and my body.

I'll give you my current example of this. I picked the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas to dive into a 30-day anti-inflammatory food program called Whole30. I admit that I was a bit ambitious, but I really wanted to feel clean and healthy for the New Year. And yes, I wanted to lose a few pounds too.

Tomorrow, when this post is published, will be Day #30...which means that I've done it! I've had a very clean, healthy diet of whole foods for 30 days and I eliminated all foods that could cause sensitivities, such as sugar, grain, dairy, legumes, etc. After Day #30, I will gradually add foods back in to see what sensitivities I have and create a personalized eating plan for myself.

My moods have evened out, my sleep is improving, my energy is higher...and guess what my complaint is? I haven't lost weight. I still have my muffin top and belly fat. (No weigh-ins are allowed until the end so the hard evidence doesn't come until tomorrow :)

How about a new conversation, Rose? One where I say: thanks so much for all the good, healthy food this past month. Thanks for putting our health first. And how about loving what we've got, just the way we are...belly fat and all?

I'm sharing my personal story with you because I know that most of you live some version of this. We are just never enough. And it doesn't matter how big or how small we are. Our culture has created an impossible standard of beauty which none of us can live up to. So, it's time to rebel. To create our own standard of beauty. To accept ourselves and our bodies exactly as they are, right here, right now. I'm ready to change the conversation about my body. Today. Join me, ok? I'd love to hear your story of your rebellion!


Here is my Day #1 Spinach Frittata for breakfast!

If you haven't yet, please check out my new site, rosecorrick.com. I am having such a wonderful time co-creating life changes with my clients. The beauty of trying a free Discovery Session with me is that you experience the power of coaching as well as finding out if you and I are the right fit. It's a win-win.

Reach out to me at rose@rosecorrick.com if you want to talk about it.

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season!

With love, Rose
