You got this....keep going.


Maybe we don't have to try so hard...

I loved the spirit of last week's message, which was about being more loving and gentle with ourselves.  I love it so much that I'm continuing with the subject :)

My parents were products of the Great Depression, so their values were based upon the notion of scarcity and that there was never enough.  The way out was to "work hard".  And that's what I learned...that working hard was the way to succeed in life.

I learned that axiom well.  I've worked very hard in my life...on my career, being a parent, working through childhood trauma, managing my physical, mental and spiritual health, showing up strong and empowered in this male-dominated world...are you tired yet ?

Well, I am, lol.  I get exhausted just listening to myself.  Maybe it's because I'm at that age (in my 60's) or because I'm finally learning my spiritual lessons, but I am really, really ready to not work so hard at everything.  

Here are some signals that tell me that "struggle" is in charge and that I'm working too hard:

  • I’m procrastinating

• I'm worrying about what others will think

• I'm really tired 

• And I'm definitely not having fun, lol.

Do these sound familiar?  So what's the alternative?

The answer, as usual, is simple.  Simple but not easy.  

It is about nurturing a gentle acceptance of ourselves.  

Listening to that "tiny spark that whispers ever so softly: You got this.  Keep going."  I want to slow down and sigh when I really take that in.  

We all know that harsh, critical voice inside of us.  But how well do we know our gentle, kind voice?  the one that knows that we are absolutely awesome and that "we got this."  That voice is a part of us too.  And I invite us to get to know her a lot better.  

Here are some phrases she might say to us:

You got this.  Keep going.

• Let's have some fun with this...

• It's easy..

• What others think of me is none of my business.  

• I'm doing this for me...

I followed my own advice in writing this post and had a fun time with it!  I'd love to hear how you are doing with changing your own story from struggle to ease.  

Remember:  You got this!

Creativity + fun = ease :)

Creativity + fun = ease :)

Sometimes we all need help in this process of letting go of struggle and finding our way to ease.  In my work as a Creative Life Coach, I provide a safe space and the support to help you clear away the obstacles which stand in the way of realizing your dreams.  

Try out a free Discovery Session to get a taste of the coaching process and to see what it's like to work together.  

With love, Rose

Support comes in all kinds of packages (woof, woof).

Support comes in all kinds of packages (woof, woof).